Docxy Configuration

Learn what configuration options are available to customize your Docxy documentation application.

Docxy allows you to fully configure your documentation application.

The configuration file is called config.yaml and it lives inside the contents directory. It has various options and all of them can be customized. Here we'll go through them one by one.


The title field is used to as the title of your documentation website. This is also used instead of your site logo, if you haven't provided one or if your provided logo isn't a valid image.

title: "Prism"


The description field is used as the main description of your documentation website.

description: "A new programming language!"


The logo field takes an image URL. This image is used as your site logo. If you don't provide a logo, or the logo is invalid, the title will be used as a fallback.

logo: ""


The website field takes an URL, and is shown in the header as the website icon. This is where you should provide a link to your main website, if there's one.

website: ""


The repository field takes an URL, and is shown in the header as the GitHub icon. This is where you should provide a link to your repository or organization, if there's one.

repository: ""


The twitter field takes an URL, and is shown in the header as the Twitter icon. This is where you should provide a link to your project's Twitter account, if there's one.

twitter: ""


The copyright field is used as the copyright notice and is placed in the footer of the website.

copyright: "Copyright 2019 - Prism Programming Language"


The links field is used to set the links that will be shown in the sub header of the website.

This takes a list of name and link fields:

  - name: Website
  - name: Repository


The navigation field is used to set the navigation links that will be shown in sidebar of the website.

This takes a list of sections. A section consists of a section name - represented by the section field - and a list of links (similar to the links option) fields:

  - section: "Intro"
        - name: "Home"
          link: "/"
  - section: "Learn"
      - name: Learn the Basics
        link: /basic
      - name: Advanced Prism
        link: /advance

Play around with the configuration and configure Docxy to your liking.